Saturday, June 30, 2012

House Raising

This last week has been spent packing and tossing and wrapping and fretting. To get to my new house I have to move all my belongings into storage and close escrow on my old house. Everything is going well but it just takes time and lots of energy (and has anyone priced boxes recently?!).

The inspection on my house revealed that my master bedroom slab had sunk. It's been so hot that my dry clay soil just sucked my bedroom foundation down into the ground. An unexpected and unwelcome expense. But a problem that has to be resolved before the closing.

Yesterday the work was done to raise my slab. I was at work so my brother-in-law Randy attended the "house raising". It was a strenuous process of digging deep at several locations, hydraulically jacking the house up, adding new cement under the foundation and then filling the holes back up with dirt. But the hoped for outcome of a level slab under my bedroom was accomplished.

(It's going to be another hot, dry summer. So, friends, get those soaker hoses going around your house foundations!)

Now let's get this house closed. The storage unit is rented, the boxes are packed, the movers are scheduled and the house is scheduled to close next week; let's get it done. I'm weary from everything involved in moving after living in this house for 13+ years (how does one person accumulate so much stuff? A topic for another time.) But I'm ready for and excited about the next chapter in my life.


  1. Maybe a dumb question, but did they pour concrete all around those jacks and encase them to be left permanently?

  2. No. The jacks came out before they poured. Randy said they replaced the jacks with timbers to support while the concrete hardened.

    1. Thanks for the explanation. Makes perfect sense. Gee, you can't tell I come from a land of basements, can you? ;-)
