Today I left my house for the last 13+ years for the last time. I was surprised about how unemotional I was about this "ending". I expected that after such a long time in this house I might be a bit nostalgic. But I wasn't.
I enjoyed my house but I don't know that I ever "loved" it. It was comfortable. It was a place I enjoyed being and inviting people to. But in all honesty it was a bit burdensome. It was big. It had a huge yard (and a wickedly steep ditch in the front yard that I used to be able to mow by myself).
But my knees aren't what they used to be and the house didn't "fit" anymore. I don't think I would have realized this if I didn't have this new house opportunity. I would have continued to enjoy the house and try to hire people to maintain the yard and flower beds.
But would I love to be there? No. I'm ready for a change. I'm ready to create a house that reflects me at this age. And it will be wonderful to downsize my outdoors/yard maintenance requirements.
So, today all my belongings are packed and moved into storage, the old house is awaiting its new owners (escrow closes Thursday) and I happily leave for the last time.
The "weight" of the old house is gone; the new house begins soon. Goodbye Amblewood Lane.
Lots of good memories from this house. So excited to share this journey with you. Love you bunches!